• info@uamsafricamedical.com
  • 4El Awqaf B. El Waily El Kabir Sharq,
  • Hadayek El Kobba, Cairo , Egypt
  • (02) 24541617 - 01097162610
  • head Office
uams | african union of sports medicine

Conference registration form

Home // Conference registration form

Conference registration form

Please register your full information to participate in the conference

Upload Personal Identity


    • For the Egyptian members of UAMS: 1500 Egyptian Pound
    • For the Egyptian non-members of UAMS: 2000 Egyptian Pound
    • For non- Egyptians (members of UAMS ): 150 $
    • For non- Egyptians ( non-members of UAMS ) : 200 $

Please click on the following link to join the African Sports Medicine Association Group

Advantages of participation to attend the conference

  • Obtaining a certificate of attending the conference
  • The participants will get a $100 discount on the membership  of the African Union of Sports Medicine just until the date of the implementation of the conference
  • To get the account number and the different payment methods, the cost of the participant
  • For inquiries: Call and communicate via WhatsApp at the following phone number +201111822444

Conference program dates

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